Vegetable Farming Tips

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On December 15, 2020, Posted by , In Agricultural Farm, With Comments Off on Vegetable Farming Tips

Vegetable farming is one of the hottest trends in the farming industry, and this is for good reasons. For one, vegetables are healthy foods thanks to the nutrients they carry. The other reasons why people grow vegetables is the monetary returns. Go to any grocery market, and you will be surprised at how people throng the market to buy greens. With the demand for veggies being higher than ever, it is incumbent upon vegetable farmers to pull up their socks and meet the demand. In this writeup, some of the best tips to apply as a vegetable farmer to ensure a bumper yield are revealed.

Plant on Quality Soil

Planting on fertile soil is the rule number one, and there is no question about this. Don’t expect a miracle to happen if you are growing your vegetables on low-quality soil. As we all know, all plants (not just vegetables) get their nutrients from the earth, which means the level of soil fertility will definitely reflect in the quality and quantity of the farm produce. Think your soil’s fertility level is low? Well, you could improve it by simply adding some fertilisers or organic matter, at best. Use every organic material, including plant leaves and banana fibre, to mulch your farm. When these materials are broken down by the soil organisms, they will turn into soil nutrients, thereby improving the soil quality.

Irrigate Wisely

Your vegetable farm needs proper irrigation, no matter where it is located. With the right equipment, you can pump water from a source that is a distance away into your farm, to ensure your vegetables get enough water for healthy growth, no matter how dry the conditions are. You must ensure that the irrigation targets the crop roots, rather than the shoots.

Avoid Using Too Much Fertiliser

While fertilisers play an essential role in improving the soil quality, excessive use of these soil nutrient supplements could ruin your soil, resulting in low-quality produce. This is because of the chemicals contained in this fertiliser. Soil experts recommend moderate use of fertilisers to preserve soil fertility. That is why they advise farmers to use organic manure as this does not have any negative impact on the soil. As they say, feed the earth, and the ground will, in turn, nourish your crop.

Plant Appropriate Vegetables for Your Farm Zone

While there are vegetables that thrive in warm conditions, others do well in cool climatic conditions. Thus, you don’t just go about growing any vegetable you think of without proper consideration. If you’re doing that in a controlled environment, such as a greenhouse, then well and good. When choosing which vegetables to grown, you may need to study the conditions in your region and listen to what crop experts say about what can be grown there.
